Dr. Jessica Kowaleski

I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2009. During my next few years, I moved around a bit - working in northern Minnesota for 2 years, and holding 2 part-time veterinary positions in addition to volunteering at the local animal shelter in Terre Haute, Indiana for 1 year. In September of 2012, we moved to Fond du Lac and I joined Veterinary Village. We have since resettled in Germantown in 2018 with our two children who keep us VERY busy outside of our work/school hours!

What motivated you to become a veterinarian?

I grew up in an outdoorsy family and spent the better part of my childhood catching salamanders, fishing, and playing in the mud. Our labradors were the perfect blend of family pets as well as my dad's hunting companions. As I also loved my math and science classes, veterinary medicine seemed the obvious choice for me to blend my interests and skills.

If you weren’t a vet, what would you do?

I did consider going into human medicine, but animals have always held too much of a draw for me to do anything else.

What animal scares you more than any other?


What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

I have 2:
1. Winning over my husband when I wanted to bring home a rescue dog I'd fallen for during vet school and he initially said no (does it really count as an accomplishment when it was done by crying for 3 days until he caved in?). She came to us deaf and with no training, and we learned a lot in the early days after taking her home! We were fortunate to have 10 wonderful years with her.
2. My kids - corny but true! My boys are imaginative, busy individuals who make everyday fun and different. I can't imagine life without them!

What do you do in your spare time?

I have little spare time nowadays with my boys getting into sports (soccer and basketball are the favorites). When we can, we love to hike on local county trails. Especially ones that traverse woods.

What do you see as the greatest danger toward household pets?

Being loved to death by overly caring owners who feed them until they are obese, leading to a myriad of other health problems. Exercise, good nutrition, and moderation are just as important for pets as they are for us.

What is the most exotic animal you have ever treated?

I loved seeing the occasional pet rat at my previous clinic in Minnesota. They’re friendly and inquisitive creatures. I even got to surgically remove a very large tumor from one.

What is your favorite comfort food?

Anything sweet — fruit if I’m feeling healthy, otherwise chocolate or cheesecake.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

When people don’t clear their sidewalks of snow.

Name 5 things people might be surprised about if they knew about you?

1. I can’t watch horror movies because I usually end up in tears halfway through.

2. I also cry every time I watch Homeward Bound (at the end when Shadow arrives home).

3. I clean and cook my own fish that I catch.

4. I prefer eating the wild game I grew up with (venison, duck, geese, and pheasants) to store-bought meats.

5. I snore.